

Steps to Becoming an Emotionally Intelligent Teacher

Emotional intelligence (EI) is a crucial aspect of a teacher’s professionalism and a key ingredient in effective teaching. EI involves the ability to recognize and regulate one’s own emotions and.

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The Impact of Parental Involvement on Student Academic Success

The relationship between parental involvement and student academic achievement has been a topic of interest for many years, with various studies and research providing insights into the impact that parents.

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Empowering Remote Students in Pakistan with Technology

Pakistan is a country that faces many challenges in terms of providing quality education to its population. One of the biggest challenges is the disparity in educational opportunities between students.

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Etiquette for Schoolers

Good etiquette is a crucial aspect of daily life, essential in shaping a positive and respectful atmosphere for everyone. For school students, its significance is even greater, as it helps.

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School van fees hit parents hard as petrol price hike raises commute costs

Asif Qureshi stands on the kerb waving goodbye to his daughter as she sets off for school in the van. On the surface he appears calm and collected, but beneath.

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Shaping Positive School Culture

Bullying and misconduct in schools is a major issue that has been affecting students for generations. It is a complex problem that has far-reaching consequences for both the victims and.

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Using mosques to cater to out-of-school children

Twenty-two million young lives, each with the potential to shape Pakistan’s future, are being stifled and rendered uncertain by a crisis of out-of-school children. According to Unicef data, Pakistan has.

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From Grades to Greatness

As a society, we place a significant amount of emphasis on the education and development of our children, recognizing that they are the future of the world. In order to.

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Education Technology

Running in Tandem with Advancement

The fast-paced and constantly evolving nature of the modern world has made it imperative for individuals to continuously update their skills and knowledge to remain relevant in their respective fields..

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