Najam Soharwardi

Meet Najam Soharwardi, a Chevening Scholar and education advocate founded “Off The School” (OTS) to provide formal education to underserved communities. <a href="">Read More

Debunking the myths around corporal punishment

The sound of a ruler striking a desk, the crack of a cane against the flesh, or the sting of a slap on the hand – these are all too

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The wait that defines a generation

In the vibrant heart of Karachi, a dimly lit classroom nurtures the dreams of many young girls, including Radia* and Iman*. Their unwavering spirits serve as beacons of hope within

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AI and Plagiarism Detection: Insights from a Chatbot

Plagiarism is the act of using someone else’s words or ideas without proper attribution or citation. It is a serious academic offense that can result in penalties such as failing

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Education Technology

Unequal Access to Tech Widens Education Gap

It is the best of times, it is the worst of times — a tale of privilege and poverty, one that would make Charles Dickens write ‘A Tale of Two

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Education Philosophy

The Absurdity of Perfectionism

Have you ever felt the pressure to be perfect in every aspect of your life? To have the perfect body, the perfect job, the perfect relationship, the perfect everything? It’s

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School van fees hit parents hard as petrol price hike raises commute costs

Asif Qureshi stands on the kerb waving goodbye to his daughter as she sets off for school in the van. On the surface he appears calm and collected, but beneath

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Using mosques to cater to out-of-school children

Twenty-two million young lives, each with the potential to shape Pakistan’s future, are being stifled and rendered uncertain by a crisis of out-of-school children. According to Unicef data, Pakistan has

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Literature Philosophy

Ode to master Beckett: Renowned scholar Ahmed Javaid deconstructs playwright’s absurdist themes

KARACHI: Off The School played host to a truly enlightening lecture and a reading session led by the esteemed poet and literary expert Ahmad Javaid earlier this week. As an

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Unlocking the Magic of ChatGPT in the Classroom

Even as OpenAI’s power chatbot prompts fears of cheating on assignments and running teachers out of businessKARACHI: A softly lit classroom brims over with the palpable energy of hope. The

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Chatbots: Powerful Wands That Need Right Spells for Their Magic to Work

Picture yourself as a wizard in training, facing the daunting task of defeating a mysterious amorphous monster looming larger and larger on the ghoulish horizon of an inhospitable land —

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