Abdul Ahad

Meet Abdul Ahad, a Computer Science student who is passionate about shaping the future with technology. <a href="https://blog.offtheschool.io/team/abdul-ahad/">Read More</a>

Learn Web Development in Just Five Steps

Ready to take the plunge and learn web development? Whether you’re a complete beginner or you’ve already started dabbling in code, there’s no better time to dive in than now.

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Why Should Pakistanis Learn Turkish?

Turkish is an important language to learn for Pakistanis for many reasons. Pakistan has a close relationship with Turkey, and the people are as close as the governments. Most of

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Take Your Workflow To The Next Level With Microsoft Office Suite

You’re probably familiar with Microsoft Office Suite. But are you using it to its full potential? Chances are, the answer is no. Microsoft Office Suite is one of the most

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A Deep Insight Into Programming

So you want to be a programmer? It’s a noble goal and one that can take you far. But where will you start? This article will give you an overview

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The Miraculous Invention: Artificial Intelligence

You must have seen movies where some AI goes rogue and tries to wipe out humanity. This must have brought a question to your mind. Is AI good or evil?

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